Sunday, April 15, 2012

Tick, tock

Yesterday, I had one of those experiences that just makes time stand still.  Takes your breath away and pulls you back in time.  23 years, to be exact.

23 years ago in the middle of a slumber party.  My sister and some friends and I decided to go tee pee and egg someone's house.  These boys that lived around the block and were just rotten to us all the time.  I'm sure we gave it back to them too, although those memories are pretty faded now.  We headed over with a bunch of toilet paper, Hershey syrup and a carton of eggs.  My sister and friends let their house and car have it.  I hid under the car.  I was brave that way. :)

After we were finished with our horrible mission, we headed back with a couple of eggs left in tow.  There was another boy that lived on that block that one of the girls with us had a crush on forever.  I have no idea why but we threw those eggs in his mailbox.  

Months later he asked me, "Was that you?"  I'm sure I giggled and mumbled something to the effect of, "Oh no, not me."  Or something to that sort, I was pretty fearful of boys back in those days.  He laughed and just said, "It was you."  Totally good natured.  He was just that kind of guy.

Soon after my family moved five hours away when my mom got married and I never knew what happened to him.  Yesterday, I found out.

He made a whole lot of friends.  Became a contractor.  Got married.  Had 2 sweet little girls.  Turned 37.  And died yesterday in a terrible drowning accident that no one seems to be able to believe.  And life just keeps on ticking for the people that are left.  Tick, tock, tick, tock...  It seems like it won't go on, but it does.

So many questions about how unfair life is.  Why would God allow someone like this, someone who has a life and family, to die in such a horrible way.  It's just devastating.  

Then I remember that we live in a fallen world.  A broken world that is so desperately in need of a Savoir.  Broken hearts, broken lives, hurt,'s all so sadly a part of our daily existence because this is not at all what God created us for.  When Adam and Eve took that first bite and every time we take a bite of that proverbial apple, there is a disconnect with a God that created us in his image.  A God that craves relationship with us, and we just keep getting in the way.  So there is death.  

Yet you do not know what your life will be like tomorrow. You are just a vapor that appears for a little while and then vanishes away.  James 4:14

But that is not the end of the story friends.  We can have life eternal with a God who wants reconciliation with us.  He loves you.  He loves me.  He loved my classmate too. 

We all, like sheep, have gone astray, each of us has turned to his own way; and the LORD has laid on him the iniquity of us all.  Isaiah 53:6
If you have not made a commitment to this God that loves you and are interested in finding out more, please do not waste another moment.  Life is just so short and we are not promised tomorrow.  

Here is a great link to tell you more about it.  

I'm praying for you, dear reader.  I'm praying if not already, today would be your day of salvation.


gail said...

We are not promised tomorrow. Well said, Amy,

Kerry said...

So sad about your old friend. Just breaks your heart when you hear stories like this, especially when he leaves behind two little girls.

Kelly said...

What a convicting post!!

Michele-Lyn said...

Praying now for the family who is suffering loss. I cannot imagine it.

But God is truly faithful. It is interesting -- how death causes me to ponder about life, and a life lived well.

No matter what may come my way, I know for certain -- God is Good.

Aramelle {One Wheeler's World} said...

What a horrible loss for those who care about this man! It is difficult to understand the hows or whys of such tragedies. I hope his family finds peace in this difficult time.

Terin said...

Wow! I don't know what to say. Death is a terrible thing. I'll be praying for his family.

Martha Jin said...

Lots of unpredictable things happen to all people...indeed God holds our future, and we need to just live day by day trusting him.

Across the Avenue said...

Wow, this is so sad. Your passages go along well. Lots of thoughts of comfort to his family and friends.