Saturday, December 15, 2007

As I am...

OK, so I really do have a reason for my lack of blogging this week. No, not a bunch of more excuses. Talk about busy, look what I got Michael for Christmas...

Introducing Buddy!!

No, I really wasn't smoking anything, I promise! Here's my story and I'm sticking to it! On Wednesdays and weekends, when Michael has the day off, I do a little independent contracting in my free time. What does that mean? Well, I run around doing whatever I can get people to pay me to do, that is legal, of course! Well, I was off doing one of these jobs when a maintenance guy came into a shop with this precious pup and said he had found him and they were calling animal control. Well, being the softy I am I started playing with the little guy, loving on him and all and they said I could take him if I wanted him. Michael has been pining for another dog, if you remember all of our dog travesties back in the fall and I knew he would just love this guy. Before I was out the door he already had a name and a place in my heart. This little stinker that has decided to make my house his own personal litter box, the chord to my laptop his favorite chew toy and my pillow his dog bed, has just drawn everyone of us in. He is such a little lover, he just wants to hug and play all the time. I really think this ones a keeper!

It's funny how God just works things out sometimes. We were looking so hard for a dog for so long and they just never worked out. We gave it to God and said, "If you want us to have a dog you are going to have to drop one in our laps." Don't you know he did it? He's pretty amazing that way!

Anyway, Buddy has been keeping me on my toes. Not to mention looking for work when I have a moment and just altogether keeping up with the peanut! Plus, I've had steering committee meetings, friends to shop with, playdates, cookies to bake and our MOPS Christmas dinner to attend. This has been a really busy week! Particularly for someone who doesn't have a car I tell you! But it's been a good week too and God has provided in really great ways to get me where I'm going when I need to go. Have I told you I'm thankful to Him lately? Well, I am. He has really provided exactly what we need.

I did want to mention one very big prayer request for you guys, my friend Susan, over at Let My Lifesong Sing, lost her brother very suddenly this last week. She actually started blogging about two years ago to have a place to go to just get out her thoughts and feelings when this same brother was paralyzed in an accident. She has such a love for God and for her family and church members, she is just a wonderful encouragement to me as her faith has only grown through the years. It has been a hard couple of years for Susan and her family and this was just a devestating blow to them, including to her mother, of course. Please remember them in prayer tonight, as you thank God for the loved ones in your life. And, if you are so inclined, please go visit her blog and let her know you are praying for her.

Thank you my dear readers!



meg said...

You are such a softie! He really is adorable & will make things pretty lively, I'm certain :-)

Full of Grace said...

Buddy is so adorable!! I really hope it works out for you- don't give up on that puppy phase, he will outgrow it! I would have done the same thing, even to the chagrin of my husband, I'm a softie too!!! :)