I was at church this past Sunday and they asked for any prayer requests you might have to be written on a little form that people could pray over on New Year's. Our church does a several hour praying in the new year where people can stop in at any time, pick up a card and pray for whomever is on that card. I picked up a card for myself and started writing. And writing. And writing a little more. Before I knew it the whole card was full. Is it sad that the entire card was just for my own issues? Apparently I must have A LOT!!

This year I want to make a little different resolution, if you can even call it that. See, I don't like making promises or resolutions or pledges. I wind up feeling bound and obligated to meet them. I am way too stubborn to do that, get annoyed that I feel bound and give up knowing it won't be accomplished. Like last year my husband thought it would be a good idea to have a competition of who could read the Bible in the shortest time. The Bible. Seriously, the Bible. This is not a sprint, I said to him. So clearly, that did not happen and I gave up nearly instantaneously.
So this year, I want to just say, I want to be Godly. I want to grow closer to Him. I want to know about Him. I want to love Him more. Less me, more Him.
That sounds good to me. :)