Friday, November 09, 2007

A little link love

I was listening to NPR yesterday, which I must tell you I love, even though my political leanings are conservative, and NPR is ridiculously biased to the left, it is so educational. I hear so many stories from around the world and find out information that I would otherwise not know. I often shut off the radio if they are talking politics because I get annoyed quickly, but sometimes I listen to that as well just to know what's going on in the world. Information is a good thing.

Anyway, yesterday, while listening, they were telling about these bloggers who are 95 and 108 years old. Isn't that awesome? You have to go visit Olive, the 108 year old blogger at Unfortunately the 95 year old blogger is in Spanish so I can't read anything but the basic part. If you can though I encourage you to go to her website at

Pretty nifty!

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